BS EN 50159-2010 铁路应用设施.通信,信号和处理系统.运输系统通信相关安全性
标准编号:BS EN 50159-2010
实施日期:2010 年 10 月 31 日
This European Standard is applicable to safety-related electronic systems using for digital communicationpurposes a transmission system which was not necessarily designed for safety-related applications andwhich is– under the control of the designer and fixed during the lifetime, or– partly unknown or not fixed, however unauthorised access can be excluded, or– not under the control of the designer, and also unauthorised access has to be considered.Both safety-related equipment and non safety-related equipment can be connected to the transmissionsystem.This standard gives the basic requirements needed to achieve safety-related communication betweensafety-related equipment connected to the transmission system.This European Standard is applicable to the safety requirement specification of the safety-relatedequipment connected to the transmission system, in order to obtain the allocated safety integrityrequirements.Safety requirements are generally implemented in the safety-related equipment, designed according toEN 50129. In certain cases these requirements may be implemented in other equipment of thetransmission system, as long as there is control by safety measures to meet the allocated safety integrityrequirements.The safety requirement specification is a precondition of the safety case of a safety-related electronicsystem for which the required evidence is defined in EN 50129. Evidence of safety management andquality management has to be taken from EN 50129. The communication-related requirements forevidence of functional and technical safety are the subject of this standard.This European Standard is not applicable to existing systems, which had already been accepted prior tothe release of this standard.